Evidence of the Star People on Planet Earth

This page was created in the spirit of fun and is not meant to be taken seriously. It presents an alternate reality of what it might have been like if the Star People had actually been in contact with the ancient Egyptians.  The photos at the archeological sites are real without any alterations to the images. They were taken at the Valley of the Kings, Kom Ombo, the Temple of Khnum in Esna, and the Temple of Horus in Edfu, all in Egypt. Have fun but know that this is all make-believe.

Trip Log

February 27th

We started our journey in Cario where we explored the pyramids.

After consulting with several archeologists, I learned that the secret chamber inside the top of the great period—visited by the characters in the Star People: Mystery of the Hologram book—has still not been discovered by man.  Zula had mentioned that the Star People had put a layer of protection around that room to deceive the archeologists into believing that there was nothing there except solid rock.

On our last night in Cairo, I was able to sneak away from the rest of our group and see the inside of that secret chamber for myself.  Here are some pictures of the amazing artwork on the walls and ceilings of that room.

After our stay in Cairo, we traveled south to Luxor where we continued our journey by taking a cruise down the Nile River in hopes of investigating more temples and tombs of the ancient kings and queens of Egypt. 

One of the objectives of this trip was to find proof that the Star People were present and interactive with the ancient Egyptians.  I wanted to verify the claims they had made about their contributions to the building of the pyramids for the Egyptian Pharoh Radjedef.  In return for their help, the Pharoh gave them assistance and permission to conduct their genetic experiments.

As we journeyed on, looking for evidence, we docked in a small town called Edfu and boarded a bus that took us to the Temple of Horus. Horus is the Egyptian god often depicted with the head of a falcon and the body of a man.  Here he is holding the Egyptian symbol of life.

Horus makes an appearance in the third book of the Star People Trilogy, so I was looking forward to seeing the temple dedicated to the god of the sky and protector of Egypt.

The Temple of Horus was built between 237-57 BC, an epoch known as the Ptolemaic Kingdom.

As I explored further, I came upon something else that was very unusual in these wall carvings which are referred to as bas-reliefs.  One of the bas-reliefs depicted the image of a star with what could only be described as an alien ship. 

Some might argue that the almond-shaped oval immediately below the spaceship represents the eye of Horus, but the shape above that eye is clearly an alien ship coming down from the sky, represented by the star below the two ships.

As I ventured on, I came upon something that caught my attention.  Below one of the many spaceships that adorned the walls, there was a carving of what appeared to be a star, a ship, and an alien face. It was unusual in that when the ancient Egyptians carved or painted images of gods or pharaohs, they were almost always in profile.  However, this alien being is represented facing forward, perhaps because of what the Egyptians thought were unique extraterrestrial facial features. 

As I approached the massive stone entrance to the temple, referred to as the Door of the Pylon, I saw the first hint of I was looking for.  It was the first piece of evidence that suggested that the Star People had truly been present in ancient Egypt.  It was a star carved into the stone facade of the temple; the first of many stars carved into the walls of the Temple of Horus.

But the stars and spaceships weren’t enough to convince me.  I needed more evidence.  As I examined the temple walls and ceilings, there were symbols and shapes of everything from serpents and coyotes to lions and ravens. 

Another alien figure, represented in profile, showed an alien honoring the star which represents his race and the vast universe.  Placing an alien figure together with a star was the way the Star People identified themselves in their artwork.

The Temple of Horus was rich with evidence of aliens, but I needed something more solid.  I wanted definitive proof that the Star People were here in Egypt. I remembered their claim that they had been involved in building the pyramids, but how could I accept their word without solid validation.  And alas, there it was!  The letter ‘A’ with two circles above it.  It was the confirmation I had been looking for. 

To an untrained eye, this might seem insignificant, but I remembered the story the Star People had shared about their home planet.  They said that their planet was in a solar system that surrounded a star called Antares, the brightest star in the constellation Scorpio.  In fact, the Star People are sometimes referred to as Antarians. 

The letter ‘A’ in this photo stands for Antares.  Antares, however, is actually a binary star meaning that it is comprised of two suns that are bound to and orbit around each other. The hieroglyph in this picture depicts the letter ‘A” with two circles representing the two stars or suns that are at the center of that solar system. 

Since the ancient Egyptians didn’t have telescopes and couldn’t have seen that Antares was binary star with their naked eyes, the only explanation is that the Star People were here during one of their visits, and they left this emblem as a record of the time they spent on this planet.

More of Egypt and the connection to the Star People will come to life in books two and three of the Star People Trilogy.